Showing posts with label dentist in Cardiff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dentist in Cardiff. Show all posts

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Causes of Bad Breath - Most Embarrassing Oral Health

Bad breath in terms of medical science halitosis, generally results from your poor dental or oral health or oral habits as well as other signs that are related to health problems. Generally bad breath can also be much worse by the kinds of food that you eat every day as well as other unhealthy lifestyle if you have.

Know How Does and What You Eat Affect Your Breath

Normally, almost all types of food you eat and it starts to break down in your mouth starts resulting bad breath. As the foods are digested as well as absorbed into your bloodstream, these foods are eventually smoothly carried to your lungs and it is given off in your breath. Whether you eat foods that consist of strong odors, for instance garlic or onions, after taking these types of foods if you brush and floss your mouth it is quite difficult to wash out the odor that moment, even if you use mouthwash the odor will not go completely. Now let us see the important causes of bad breath in your mouth that may effect your oral health and hygiene.

  • You must be well aware that you eat affect your bad breath.  Additionally odor or bad breath causing by bacteria as well as food particles whether dentures are not cleaned properly and regularly. It also cause tooth decay and gum problems.
  • Smoking can cause bad breath. Chewing tobacco based products that are easily available nowadays can also cause bad breath in your mouth. The result is highly declining of tooth strength and gum problems.
  • Other cause of bad breath is poor fitting of your dental appliances, if you have yeast infections as well as cavities and you can get a better solutions at dentist in Cardiff.
You should know there are many help issues that are associated with your bad breath. Like persistent bad breath in a person’s mouth is one of the most important warning sign of gum and its related diseases. It is generally caused by the buildup of plaque onto your teeth. And one of the most essential things to know about bacteria which cause the formation of toxins in your mouth that affects the gums of teeth. And if the gum affects with these toxins the disease continues to grow, and if it is untreated for a long time, it can damage your gum and decay your tooth as well as jawbone.